Malabo International Airport i Malabo, Bioko Norte

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Malabo, Bioko Norte, Equatorial Guinea
Kontakter telefon: +240
Latitude: 3.757791, Longitude: 8.716096
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Kommentar 5

  • GBM



    Aircraft land and take off from here. Airport does not compare to some of the buildings in the city.

  • Daniel Zhang

    Daniel Zhang


    Just Via Malabo to Addis Ababa. Look Liks bigger than Douala Airport.

  • jay ssh

    jay ssh


    Better than other African countries, but need luggage scanners instead of people checking 4 times a luggage for departure from here. It's a worst situation

  • Reuben Zadeh

    Reuben Zadeh


    Beware of Scammers! Keep in mind that everything works extremely slowly if at all. You need to show up at the airport AT LEAST 2 hours ahead of time since the staff will take 20 minutes with each passenger on average. There is NO internet service. Your phone may show a WiFi SSID and if you ask the locals, they'll ask for money to give you a phony password. Don't pay it! It won't work anyway! There is no internet service here.

  • Antoni Mira Quiñones

    Antoni Mira Quiñones


    It's quite quiet to be in central Africa, however be aware to do not get scammed and always keep an eye of everything.

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