La Luna i Malabo

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Calle Argelia Malabo, Malabo, Gwinea Równikowa
Kontakter telefon: +240 333 096 096
Latitude: 3.7570804, Longitude: 8.7786019
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Kommentar 5

  • Salah Bornaz

    Salah Bornaz


    good place with good view on the harbor but missing kind of owner character

  • Diosdado Ondo Nguema Ntorabang

    Diosdado Ondo Nguema Ntorabang


    Se come muy bien y buen servicio

  • willy dowel

    willy dowel


    Excelente restaurante

  • Jason Whiting

    Jason Whiting


    Good menu, great food, fantastic view over the main port. Highly recommend evening dining in the courtyard - classy tropical tranquility. This is not a budget restaurant - but the service and quality makes up for the slightly higher prices (as compared to the run of the mill other places in town).

  • Peter Barczikay

    Peter Barczikay


    Great place, and really good food. I had a dinner here with my colleagues, we sat at a table outside, the restaurant had a good atmosphere and the duck breast was great. The waiter was good, we had the necessary attention but it was absolutely not disturbing.

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